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ZHANG, Weiyan

Writer  -  Editor  -  Curator    

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我是作家、編輯,也是藝文領域的文史研究工作者,擁有藝術史學研究的專業學術養成背景,以及豐富的整合行銷、出版和策展經驗。 同時,我擁有自己的書道品牌「遇扇坊 (CursiveFancy)」,並在Etsy開設線上品牌商店,為歐美人士提供書道藝術作品的訂製服務。 我有豐富的研究及出版作品。除了定期在雜誌、報刊或藝術網站平台發表研究成果,也曾與業界各領域頂尖夥伴合作,主筆、企劃及製作高端典藏性藝術與歷史書籍,例如《無錫與江浙名城》(2016)、《雲薖》(2017)、《海上絲路與世界文明》(2018,城邦出版集團)、《漢餅》(2018,舊振南)、《法藍瓷.經典一百》(2019,法藍瓷)等。此外,也曾策辦展覽及相關行銷活動。 我深愛旅行,在旅途中品味不同文化的人文底蘊;我也喜歡攝影,補捉生活中令人怦然心動的即景。

Hey, my name is Weiyan, I am from Taiwan. I'm a writer, editor, and independent art historian. In addition to my academically professional art and history research background, I also specialize in integrated marketing, publishing, and curating.

I'm also a calligraphy artist, right now I am running a business brand called “CursiveFancy.” It's an online Etsy shop, selling my artworks and providing customized services as well. Possessed with abundant publications, I've been regularly invited to publish my art history research in magazines, newspapers, and blogs.

I too have written and participated in producing high-end collectible art/historical books, such as Wuxi and Famous Cities of Jianzhe (2016), Yunke (2017), The Maritime Silk Road and the World Civilizations (2018), Han Bing (2018), Franz Classic 100 (2019), etc. The Brands and Business partners I worked with are powerful, renowned and successfully excellent, including Cite Publishing Ltd., Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry, FRANZ, etc. In addition, I've curated several exhibitions and business events.

I love traveling as well as photography. Experiencing the variety of different cultures, savoring each joyful moment, and seeking for the most stunning scenery while catching breathtaking pictures through my lens,... well, this is my destiny, as a life traveler.



Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University 

Department of Art, National Changhua University of Education


2020 - present
- R&D Project Coordinator, College of Liberal Arts, National Central University

2019 - present
- Independent writer and art history researcher.

2015 - 2019
Nueva Vision Co. Ltd.
- Writer, Editor, Curator, Project manager

2014 - 2015
EnjoyGourmet Inc.
- Editor

2013 - 2014
Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University
- Editorial & Layout assistant (Journal of Art Studies)

2011 - 2014
Collection Division, National Museum of History
- Research assistant (National Science Council Project)

2008 - 2009
Han Lin English World
- Art teacher 

2007 - 2008
Liu Yongchen Art Studio
- Art teacher



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